Call for Scores

OME is seeking fresh works for flute choir or low clarinet choir to be premiered February 10, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona.  The concert will feature new works for guitar choir, low clarinet choir, and flute choir.

Deadline: December 15th, 2023
Email submissions and questions directly to
OME Program Director
Bill Clay

Flute Choir

DEFproject Chamber Choir will be performing


  • Piccolo (optional)
  • C Flutes
  • Alto Flute
  • Bass Flute
  • Contrabass Flute (optional)

Maximum of 8 parts, doubling is an option (for Alto flute, C flutes, and piccolo). 10 minutes maximum length, no stylistic restrictions.

Low Clarinet Choir

GCC’s Low Blow Clarinet Choir will be performing


  • Basset Horn
  • Alto Clarinet
  • Bass Clarinet (up to 8 separate parts)
  • Contralto clarinet
  • Contrabass clarinet

Maximum of 12 parts, doubling is an option

10 minutes maximum length, no stylistic restrictions.